掠猴之遊戲 Monkey-catching Game




  • 紫按鈕:X 或 Enter
  • 黃按鈕:Z 或空白鍵
  • 白按鈕:C 或 Shift
  • 方向鍵:WASD 或方向鍵


Monkey-catching Song (掠猴之歌) is a song by Lilium (百合花) from their album ‘Road to...’ (不是路)

“掠猴 (lia̍h-kâu)”, literally meaning “catching monkey”, is a Taiwanese phrase for catching someone having an affair.
In the game, you’re playing as a private detective. Hired by your client Banana, you need to follow Monkey and collect some powerful evidence of Monkey’s affair on the street in Taiwan.

Game is designed to be played on mobile phones or touch screen devices.
To play on computer, keyboard mappings are as follows:

  • Purple Button: X or Enter
  • Yellow Button: Z or Space
  • White Button: C or Shift
  • D-Pad: WASD or Arrow keys

電腦操作指示 Keyboard mapping

《掠猴之遊戲 Monkey-catching Game》

遊戲設計 Game Design|Ferran Bertomeu Castells, Nomi & 羅妍婷 YenTing Lo
視覺 Visuals|Nomi
程式 Programming|Ferran Bertomeu Castells
聲音設計 Sound fx|羅妍婷 YenTing Lo
月琴說書 Yueqin & Narrator|林奕碩 I-Shuo Lin

字體 Fonts|Silkscreen, Madou Futo Maru Gothic (mod)

Audio Engine|FMOD Studio by Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.

*此作品獲文化部影視局及流行音樂產業局補助|This is a commission work sponsored by the Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development of Taiwan.

《掠猴之歌 Monkey-catching Song》

詞曲 Lyricist/Composer|林奕碩 I-Shuo Lin
編曲 Arrangement|鄭各均 Sonic Deadhorse, 林奕碩 I-Shuo Lin, 林威佐 Wei-Zuo Lin, 陳奕欣 Dee Chen
製作 Producer|鄭各均 Sonic Deadhorse
錄音/混音/後期 Recording/Mixing/Mastering Engineer|鄭皓文 Howard Tay
主唱/和聲/電吉他 Vocal/Guitar|林奕碩 I-Shuo Lin
⾙斯 Bass|林威佐 Wei-Zuo Lin
⿎組 Drums|陳奕欣 Dee Chen
鍵盤 Keyboard|王重陽 Chung-Yang Wang
鼓組技師 Drum Technician|莊開旭 Cash Chuang

Watch the new 掠猴之歌 Monkey-catching Song Music Video on YouTube, featuring the game!

Development log


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xulíssim! quin joc tan rodonet :)


One of my favourite games on itch.io!!! 🐵🍑🍌📷


such a cute game thank u for making !


Amazing gameplay and fun story. Never played a game anything like this before




Nice game! Great music and art! And programming!

I played it with keyboard, it was not so bad. But probably best with mobile.

If you scroll away while the music is playing, the last ~0.8 second repeats, it's kinda funny.

SPOILER ALERT! here is my fav picture after playing.

fav img

empty hallway

10/10 well done